Saturday, August 4, 2012

Diversity of Mosques

One of the aspects of my visit to Indonesia which most impressed me was the variety of mosques which could be seen in all directions within the cities I visited.  Most of the schools I visited also had an on campus mosque.  While I was not able to personally visit more than a couple of locations, their diversity and (in most cases) their beauty captured my attention. I hope the video below helps to offer some of the visual beauty of Indonesia's mosques.

Additionally, I've also mentioned my reaction to hearing multiple calls to prayer being heard simultaneously (see "Good-Bye J-Kart & Hello Bandung" and "Debrief Session"). In Christianity, the closest tradition for summoning worshippers is the ringing of church bells; a craft which is not at all common anymore.  However, I do find the human voice to be a much greater and more complex instrument than the majestic bells.  The music I used to accompany the video is "Call to Prayers" from the musical The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace by Karl Jenkins (previously referenced in the posting titled "The Armed Man").

Regardless of your personal religious persuasions, I do hope that you can enjoy the wonders of the Mosques of Indonesia.

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